Get Outta My Head!

Have you ever seen somethin’ that was so disturbin’ to you and you just couldn’t get it outta your head? I’m sure most of you have.

I was innocently scrollin’ through my Facebook newsfeed this mornin’ when I came upon not one but two of the grossest pictures. I’m not gonna post ’em here, they’s just nasty!

In both pictures, one of the back of a mans neck and the other was a woman’s boob, it looked like there were alien worms or somethin’ growin’ in ’em. Both were videos but I didn’t watch ’em.

Now, I’m not usually easy to gross out but for some reason those two things just sent me over the edge, I shudder every time I think about ’em. Ew!! I wished FB wouldn’t put stuff like that on there.

Now, for some dern reason, I just can’t get the mental picture out of my hillbilly head, and trust me, I have tried.

Anyhow, if you run across ’em on your own newsfeed you’ll see what I’m talkin’ about and I feel for ya. I just wanna forget about ’em and never, ever see it again.

Thanks for readin’.


18 thoughts on “Get Outta My Head!

  1. NotAPunkRocker

    I’m kind of disgustedly curious now, but I will wait and see if they show up on my newsfeed eventually. 🙂


      1. lunatique77

        I’ve seen them, too, and did not click on them; but just like you I can’t get them out of my head. Ew. They are nearly as disturbing as pics of cute kittens :p


  2. lunatique77

    I’ve seen them, too, and did not click on them; but just like you I can’t get them out of my head. Ew. They are nearly as disturbing as pics of cute kittens :p


  3. ZiNdAGi RoCkS !!

    So u decided to avenge this with all of us here lol making us curious to see those aliens predators 😀 & what abt those videos which friends shared on Whats app or PM & u r glued to them & screen hit on ur face with Zombieeeeessss & sometimes I did really screamed or phone must have fallen to my screams 😀 believe me I keep distance now btw my phone & my face for these dubious links lol


  4. melissa nacinovich

    Good thing I avoid facebook! LOL i don’t know what’s more disgusting… That type of video or the “i have the best ___________” (fill in significant other here) posts that everyone seems to feel the need to plaster on FB.



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